Sunflower and Snowflake: A Crossover Story

Sunflower and Snowflake: A Crossover Story

By Amanda Pizzolatto

Word Count: 4297

Rating: G

Summary: A crossover story starring Jack Frost, Rapunzel, and many more!

The school bell rang, and teens rushed out of classrooms to get ready to head home. Locker doors were opened and slammed shut while some teens were talking, creating the usual end-of-school noise. Rapunzel was taking care of books in her locker slowly, glancing every now and then at the teens passing by. But she needn’t have worried; his laugh resounded above the crowd as several girls called out to him.

“Hi, Jack!

“How are you, Jack?”

“Oh, Jackie-pooh!”

Rapunzel winced at the voice of the girl, one Lara Furst, as she ran up to Jack and grabbed his arm as if they were the real deal.

“Where are we off to?” Lara asked him.

“We? I’m heading home to change for a photo shoot. What were you expecting to do?”

“Join you, of course!” she smiled, batting her eyelashes at him.

“You’re not going to be in the shoot,” began Jack.

“I know, so I’ll watch and take some notes. You know I want to be a model like you, and once we’re married, we’ll model together.”

“What? You can come watch the shoot, but that’s it.”

“Yes!” Lara grinned, before tossing a sly glance at Rapunzel.

That look simply made Rapunzel’s blood boil, and she turned to her locker right as Jack noticed the look Lara gave her, and glanced at Rapunzel.

A mischievous grin appeared on his face. “You know what? As a matter of fact, why doesn’t everyone come to the shoot? And then spaghetti afterwards, on me!”

A cheer went up from his classmates, Rapunzel blushing furiously.

Jack laughed. “Alright then, alright, meet me at Mauerpark at three o’clock!” He turned and walked away with a smug grin on his face, stuffing his hands into his pockets. His best friend Hiccup walked up to him, winked, and gave him a thumbs up.

“Wha . . . Jackie! Why did you invite everyone else?” whined Lara.

Jack turned, crossed his arms, and replied, “I saw that look you were giving Rapunzel. That wasn’t very nice of you.”

“What? But . . .”

“I expect all my friends to be treated nicely, not just the very few you select.”

“Oh really, huh? You prefer hanging out with her rather than with me?”

“Keep this up, Lara, and I’ll consider it,” snapped Jack before walking off with Hiccup, leaving behind a stunned Lara.

A locker door slammed, causing Rapunzel to give a little squeak as she jumped. She turned and glanced at the redhead, her hand still on her locker door.

“So, there’s a chance Jack might like you back,” teased Merida.

“Merida! Didn’t you hear him? He obviously only thinks of me as a friend,” replied Rapunzel as she turned back to fixing her locker.

“That’s right, Rapunzel, only a friend, a lousy one, if I do say so myself,” sneered Lara as she got in Rapunzel’s face.

Merida put a protective arm between her friend and the bully. “And didn’t you hear Jack? He’ll consider going out with her if you keep doing stuff just like this. I mean, who’s he going to believe, Rapunzel or you?”

Lara gave a soft growl before walking away.

“Thanks Merida,” smiled Rapunzel.

“No problem, except next time, stand up to her yourself. You’re getting better at it, but you still need some practice. Now hurry it up, you don’t want to miss the shoot!”

Rapunzel blushed as she quickly finished up with her locker and walked out of the school with Merida. The two got a quick bite to eat before heading over to Mauerpark, getting there at two-thirty. Jack wasn’t there yet, but Rapunzel and Merida kept busy with watching the shoot get set up. By three o’clock sharp, the rest of the class had assembled, and the cameras were ready and waiting for Jack. Rapunzel noticed that Anna, Elsa, Moana, Talia, Mavis, and Ella had joined her and Merida, which could only mean one thing. Merida nudged her and pointed to the left. There was Lara, waltzing in, flanked by Ella’s stepsisters, Kassandra and Regina, along with Hans and Justin.

“Ugh, I don’t know what he sees in her,” grumbled Talia.

Merida scoffed, “You’re no better than Rapunzel, really.”

“Merida!” whispered Rapunzel. Hiccup and Kristoff had joined the girls.

Talia placed her hands on her hips. “And what are you two doing here?”

“Jack’s on his way.” Hiccup pointed to the other side of the park. Jack and the photographer were approaching the set.

“Oh man, Jack Weiss and Vlad Dresdner, how will you ever cope?” Merida asked playfully. Rapunzel merely let out a little squeak, making the group laugh.

“Mavis!” Vlad called out, and embraced his daughter.


“Are these your friends, Mavis?”

“Yes!” she smiled, and introduced each one, finishing with, “And Rapunzel’s a big fan of yours, Daddy; she wants to become a photographer like you!”


“What?” Vlad said. “I have a fan? Why didn’t you say so! Come, Miss Grunewald, you shall be my assistant for this shoot!”

“Really?” squeaked Rapunzel.

“Yes, come, we are on a tight schedule. Places everybody!”

Mavis quickly set about helping Jack with his wardrobe while Rapunzel followed Vlad around and helped with whatever he told her to do. He would ask her questions about lighting, backdrops, and camera angles, patiently teaching her the best routes to take to make a great photo. Finally, the shoot was going to begin.

“Would you like to take the first picture?” he asked.

“What? Oh no, I couldn’t, I’d probably mess it up.”

“That is why I always make my first two photos practice photos. It is okay to mess up every now and then, but you should always strive for perfection. Go on, give it a try.”

“U-um, o-okay,” muttered Rapunzel as she approached the camera.

She took a deep breath and glanced through the lens. Her heart was fluttering like crazy as the camera focused on Jack. She could see why Vlad liked working with him, he was so perfect. Her hands began to tremble as she stared into those brown eyes. Despite having brown hair and eyes, he was often nicknamed Jack Frost because of his cold and mysterious demeanor. Rapunzel took a step back from the camera, her hands were trembling even more. “I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t think I can do it.”

“Why not?” Then he noticed the look she shot at Jack. “Oh, I see, well . . .” He leaned in and whispered, “I usually delete the first photos, but if you’d like, I’ll keep this one for you. Consider it payment for being such a good helper today.” He winked as Rapunzel blushed furiously.

“Y-you will, for me?”

Vlad nodded.

“O-okay, I-I’ll try it.” Taking a really deep breath, she marched back up to the camera and focused it. Taking another deep breath, she shot the picture, Jack striking a perfect pose right before she did so.

Vlad looked at the picture. “Ah-ha, perfect! You are a natural, Miss Grunewald!”

“Y-you think so?”

“Think so? Ha! I know so! I am, after all, the professional.”

“What? Her, a natural?” sneered Lara. “Oh, please, she couldn’t do anything right to save her life, or her hair.”

Rapunzel took a step back as she fingered her brown pixie cut, slightly hurt about the comment on her hair.

“Lara,” warned Jack.

Lara humphed and walked towards the camera. “Here, let me show you how it’s really done.”

“What? Lara, don’t! You don’t even know the first thing about cameras!” blurted Rapunzel as she reached out to stop Lara from pressing a button.

“Well, obviously you don’t know the first thing about me,” retorted Lara as she shoved Rapunzel to the ground.

“Hey!” shouted Merida, though Vlad was already helping Rapunzel up. “Lara, no!”

Lara quickly pushed the button, but nothing happened, at least that she could see. Vlad and Rapunzel saw with horror the button that she pressed.

“No! No, no, no! All my photos, months of work!” He turned to her with a glare. “And, you, you stupid girl, you’ve deleted them all!”

“How dare you call me stupid! Do you even know who I am, who my father is?”

“Can he give me back all my photos?”

“Uh, no . . .”

“Then he is of little importance to me! But you, you I will remember as being the stupid girl who deleted all my photos!”

Lara gasped. “Wha . . . Jack!”

Jack had walked over to the scene, his face as hard and as cold as stone. “Go, Lara, leave, now,” he ordered, his voice just as cold and hard as his face.

“But . . .”

“No! You need to stop ruining everything with this stupid rivalry you have with Rapunzel! All it’s doing is showing how stupid and immature you really are! Now, go!” Rapunzel just stayed as still as a statue; she had never seen Jack so angry before, and made a mental note to never make him angry.

Lara took a step back as she gasped, “Would you do this to any of your other friends?”

Jack pointed behind her, indicating he wanted her to go. “If they were as stupid and immature as you, yes I would.”

Hans stepped near as Lara began to tear up. “Jack, you wouldn’t know a good thing even if it hit you in the face,” he mocked.

“You obviously wouldn’t know a bad thing even if it hit you in the face,” snapped Jack. Hans’ eyes widened before he growled and glared at Jack. He said nothing else, just led Lara away from the scene.

“I was afraid of this,” muttered Vlad. “Oh, why did I think that doing this shoot with this memory card was a good idea?”

Mavis tried to comfort her father. “You didn’t know someone was going to do something stupid like this.”

Vlad sighed. “Yes, but I do know there are people who do stupid things. I should have been more careful.” He turned to Rapunzel. “Thank you, though, for trying to save my photos.”

“Oh no, don’t thank me, please. I failed.”

Jack placed a hand on her shoulder, his voice much calmer now. “But you did try to stop her, that’s better than not trying at all.” Rapunzel smiled sadly at him. He turned to Vlad. “What do you need us to do? I’ll help you get those photos back.”

Vlad smiled. “Thank you, Jack, but it is no use. Not even with your help could I possibly get all those photos in time.”

“If, if you don’t mind my asking, Mr. Dresdner, what were those photos for?”

Vlad sighed. “A book about Germany. Whenever Jack had a shoot in different parts of Germany, I always took the opportunity to take some pictures for it. But now they’re all gone, and the editors need them by next week.”

“Oh no,” gasped Rapunzel.

“You know what, let’s hurry up and get this shoot done, then you can start by taking pictures of Berlin. We’ll figure out how to get the rest later,” suggested Jack.

“Thank you Jack, but I really don’t see how we could get them in time.”

“Just focus on one thing at a time, Mr. Dresdner, one thing at a time.”

Vlad nodded before turning to Rapunzel. “Could you take the first couple of pictures? I feel the need for a quick breather.”

“Oh, um, o-of course, Mr. Dresdner.”

“Thank you, I shall be just a minute.”

Vlad walked off, leaving the others to quickly set up again. Rapunzel had to take several deep breaths, especially once she realized Jack had left his hand on her shoulder that entire time until he walked away to get ready.

“Alright, we’re ready!” called out one of the crew members.

Rapunzel took a deep breath. “Alright, here we go. Uh, Jack, just uh . . .”

“Look perfect?” Jack grinned.

“Oh, but you always do! I mean uh . . .”

Jack chuckled. “Just take the picture, Punz. I can call you Punz, right?”

“U-uh, yeah, sure, just, um, let me take a couple of pictures.”

Rapunzel was never more glad to be able to hide behind a camera; her face was no doubt a bright red. But knowing that this was for Vlad’s sake, she never once trembled or ruined a shot. She had taken six shots in total before Vlad returned.

“Ah, good, good, very good. Thank you, Miss Grunewald, I feel well enough to take it from here.”

“Oh, no problem, just let me know if you need any help.” Vlad smiled sadly as he nodded. He went to the camera and adjusted it a bit before waving to Jack to continue. Jack nodded and got into his next pose, when his eyes widened.

“Eh, Jack, you are not supposed to be surprised.”

“Uh, Mr. Dresdner . . .”

“Come Jack, there is not much time!” Vlad put his eye back to the camera.

“But Mr. Dresdner . . . no wait!”

Vlad hit the button as a shadow from the camera enveloped him.

Rapunzel gasped as she recognized it at once. “A nightmare!”

People left and right began screaming and running away as Vlad turned into a taller version of himself, dressed in a black cloak, and had red eyes. When the transformation was complete, a shockwave was emitted through the park, and Rapunzel, having been the closest, was sent sprawling on the ground.

“Rapunzel, look out!” shouted Merida.

Rapunzel turned around and gasped; Vlad’s foot was going to come down on her! Somebody jumped in and rolled with her out of the way. When they stopped rolling, she was back on the bottom, her rescuer on top.

“Jack!” she gasped.

“Hey there, didn’t think you’d try to be the damsel in distress so soon,” winked Jack.


Jack didn’t answer as he was lifted off the ground, kicking and shouting at the nightmarish Vlad to put him down.

“Jack!” yelled Rapunzel.

Vlad stepped over Rapunzel’s body and picked up Lara before walking off. “No more perfect pictures!” He glanced at his two captives menacingly. “No more perfect models!”

“Oh no, I’ve got to change before he does something to Jack!” whispered Rapunzel.

“Rapunzel! Go find a place to hide!”

“What? Merida! Where are you going?”

“Sunflower watches my vlog; if I can keep track of the nightmare, she can save Jack!” Merida winked before dashing off after Vlad.

“Thanks, Merida,” whispered Rapunzel.

Hiccup sighed. “I’ll go with her to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself.”

Rapunzel smiled. “Thanks, you be careful, too.”

Hiccup nodded before dashing after Merida. Rapunzel rushed to find a place to hide, but for a completely different reason. When she was finally alone, she opened her purse. A little lioness flew out.

“Alright,” Rapunzel said, “we need to do this quick.”


“Chloe, grow out!”

Rapunzel brushed her hand across the barrette in her hair before Chloe disappeared into it. The changes began with Rapunzel’s hair growing long and golden, the barrette moving from the right side of her head to holding back her now-golden hair behind her. The barrette, too, had changed, formerly a pale purple flower, but now all six petals were golden. A golden mask with pale lilac accents appeared on her face, covering her nose to her forehead. Her clothes changed to a pale pink top and matching gloves, pale lilac leggings and boots, and a golden mini-skirt shaped to look like the golden flower of her barrette. Once she was finished, she grabbed her hair and threw it at the closest lamp post, her hair quickly growing until it wrapped around the post. She pulled on it, and swung to the top. She unwrapped her hair and threw it again, swinging like that from building to building, until she got ahead of Vlad and his captives.

“Put me down!” cried Lara. “Help! Sunflower, come save me! I swear it wasn’t my fault!”

“Yeah, sure, like that will help,” scoffed Jack.

“What do you mean? Sunflower always saves me!”

“What about Snowflake?”

Lara scoffed, “Oh,who needs him?”

“I do. Snowflake and I are a team,” came Sunflower’s strong voice.

“Yay! Sunflower, quick, save us!”

“Maybe I won’t.”

“What, why not?”

“You don’t talk bad about my friends.”

Jack shot Lara an I-told-you-so grin.

“Oh, fine, Snowflake is equally important as you.” Sunflower’s mask went up as she raised her eyebrow. “Alright, fine, I’m sorry I spoke bad about your friend! You happy?”

“That’s more like it.”

With a grunt, Rapunzel jumped from a building and landed with her feet in Vlad’s face, making him fall. With her hair, she quickly freed Jack and Lara, then told them, “Get out of here, quick!”

Sunflower jumped back to the building. Vlad got up, gave a yell, and began to follow her away from the teens. Jack immediately turned and ran off, but Lara caught up and grabbed his arm.

“Jack! Don’t leave me, please! Take me home.”

“Go home with Hans or Justin, Lara; you’re getting on my nerves. Now leave me alone!”

Merida scoffed from behind a tree, “She gets on everyone’s nerves.”

Jack turned and gave her a hard glare before making a dash for it. This time, he managed to lose Lara. Once he was well hidden, he opened his jacket to reveal a six-pointed snowflake brooch and a little polar bear.

“We’d better hurry,” warned Labran. “Sunflower, no doubt, needs our help.”

“Yeah, no doubt. Labran, freeze up!” Jack’s hand brushed the snowflake before Labran disappeared into it.

The changes happened quickly; Jack’s hair turned white, his eyes turned blue, he had a silver mask with ice blue accents, ice blue pants and boots, and a snow-white shirt. The brooch had moved from his shirt to his blue cloak, each point now sparkling silver instead of white. A staff shot out of the brooch, landing in Jack’s hands before he flew off after Sunflower and the nightmarish Vlad. He found them pretty quickly. The two were fighting pretty hard, Sunflower trying to get to the camera under his arm. Vlad finally got the drop on Sunflower and hit her, sending her over the Brandenburg Gate. Jack raced forward, turning around just in time to catch her.


“Hi, princess, ready to take that nightmare out?”

“Of course. You’ll distract?”

Snowflake grinned. “With pleasure.”  

“Good, the nightmare is in that camera. If at any time you see a chance to get it, take it. The sooner we can get this over, the better. Sounds to me like he wants to destroy everything that might seem perfect.”

“Like me?”

Sunflower scoffed as she pushed him back, “As if.”

Vlad took a step towards them. “Destroy all perfection! No more perfect!”

Snowflake and Sunflower got ready.

“Alright,” Snowflake quietly said, “try to get the camera, and try not to get caught.”  

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” muttered Snowflake, wincing a bit in remembrance at how tight he had been held.

“Ready? Now!”

The two jumped from the ground as Vlad’s foot came down in front of them. The two quickly climbed him, keeping as far away from his big hands as possible. Snowflake froze Vlad’s right hand to his shoulder, and slid down to his feet.

“Frost and snow! Here we go!” Snowflake brought the staff down hard; tendrils of ice crawled around Vlad’s feet as it encased them in ice.

Vlad let out a roar and broke his hand free of the ice trapping it to his shoulder.

“Hey! That was a great piece of art!” blurted Snowflake as he jumped out of the way of the giant’s hand.

“Snowflake! More snow, less flake!” exclaimed Sunflower as she worked her way around Vlad’s left arm toward the camera.

“What? Oh fine, as long as you do more sun, less flower!”

“You know that doesn’t quite work!”

Snowflake grinned as he rushed up to Vlad’s left hand and froze it to his shoulder. “Hey, I’ve got to have a comeback.”

Sunflower groaned as she gave the camera a hard pull, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Sunflower, the ice isn’t going to hold for very long!” shouted Snowflake as he leapt from the shoulder to keep Vlad’s other hand occupied. “Neither am I! Think of something quick!”

“Hair and flower, show me your power!” Sunflower’s hair began to glow at the tips, and a giant pair of scissors appeared. “Okay, Snowflake, I need a minute!” She began cutting the straps of the camera.

“Good, because one minute is all I’m giving you!”

Rapunzel huffed as she cut through the straps as quickly as possible. The camera fell, right as Vlad’s hand broke from the ice.

“Sunflower!” Snowflake raced towards her, catching her, and then flew her and the camera a fairly safe distance away from Vlad. “Alright, do your thing.”

“Right.” Sunflower nodded as she broke the camera.

The little nightmare tried to flee, but she quickly wrapped it in her hair, and sang, “Flower, gleam and glow, Let your power shine, Make the clock reverse, Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, Change the fates’ design, Save what has been lost, Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine.”

As she sang, her hair glowed, and golden, sand-like tendrils flew around, making everything look as if nothing had happened. Even Vlad was returned to normal. When the song was finished, Sunflower opened her hair, and a golden pony emerged.

“Bye-bye, little pony.” She smiled as it flew off into the sky, soon disappearing from sight.

“Um, where am I?” sighed Vlad. “What happened?”

Sunflower approached him. “Don’t worry, everything’s alright now.” She glanced at Snowflake. “We’ll take you back.”

A few minutes later, Vlad was back with his daughter, sharing a tender embrace.

“Oh, look, your brooch!” said Sunflower. “We’d better get out of here!”

The two took off, but after a bit, Sunflower turned on Snowflake. “What are you doing? We’re going to change back!”

“I know, but, shouldn’t we know who we are under our masks?”

“What? Snowflake, I don’t . . .”

“Listen, without my mask, I . . . there’s not very many people who know me pretty well. You, you’re really the only one who really knows me.”

“But that’s with the mask,” whispered Sunflower.

“I know, but I won’t change for you.”

“I don’t know, a little change might be good for you,” smirked Sunflower.

Snowflake grinned as he pulled her in. “You flirting with me, Princess?”

Sunflower let out a little squeak. “What? No!”

“But don’t you want to know who I am?”

“I, uh, I don’t think this is the place.”

“Why not?”

“Prying eyes . . .”

Sunflower glanced over, as did Snowflake; there was Merida and Hiccup, recording the whole thing. Sunflower took the opportunity, broke away from Snowflake, and quickly swung away. Snowflake let out a sigh. He had lost this chance, but maybe there’d be another one. He turned and shot a hard glare at Merida and Hiccup; they just had to ruin it. If he had been able to hold on to her for just a bit longer, they would have changed back, and he would have found out who the love of his life was. But no, this had to happen. Letting out another sigh, he flew off, landing in a secluded spot just in time to change.

“Don’t worry Jack,” said Labran, “I’m sure you’ll get your chance. Just give her some more time to warm up to the idea, okay?”

“But how much more time? I know she likes me; whenever she sees me as Jack, she just about flips! I just want her to know that Jack and Snowflake are one and the same person. Maybe, maybe she’ll finally understand everything.”

“And once you find out who she is under the mask, maybe you’ll understand everything too,” quipped Labran.

Jack smiled. “Yeah, I guess so. Come on, you’d better hide. I have to get back to the group.”

Labran ducked back inside his jacket before Jack took off for the park, getting there not much sooner than Rapunzel.

“Jack! You’re alright, thank goodness! Where have you been?” Rapunzel asked as she rushed up to him.

Jack gave her a soft smile; at least Rapunzel truly cared about him, more so than Lara ever did. Perhaps he’d ask her out just to annoy Lara, but that might have to wait.

Instead he replied with, “I took the long way around. It felt good to be without Lara for a while.” He nodded in the direction of the five retreating teens.

Rapunzel glanced back at him. “I’m sure. Come on, you still have a shoot to finish. Are you up for it?”

“Yeah, the only thing big Vlad did was squeeze me, so I don’t think he was intentionally trying to hurt me. I think there was still something of the guy in there, the guy I know who’s been more like a dad to me than . . .”

“Jack, over here! Pronto!”

Jack seemed to completely relax. Lara and her gang were gone, and Vlad was back.

With a smile and a wave, Jack called out, “Coming, Mr. Dresdner!” Then turning to his companion, he lowered his voice. “Hey Punz, think you could stay around for a bit? I’ve got an idea to get back all of his photos, and I might need your help.”

“Really? Of course! Anything for y—. Uh, Mr. Dresdner!”

Jack laughed; he knew what she almost said. “Good, then let’s go!”

He turned her around and practically pushed her back towards the shoot, which they finished pretty quickly with everyone helping out. It wasn’t long before Jack had everything set up; the class would get to tour Germany as they helped Vlad retake all of the pictures Lara had deleted unintentionally. And they headed out to make a grand ole time of it.

Fanfiction Stories & Poetry