The Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception

Author’s Note: This poem was inspired by the wonderful parish in which I grew up, Immaculate Conception in Union, Missouri. Lining the side walls of the church are eighteen stained glass windows, each depicting one of the Blessed Mother’s titles that I have used in this poem. I would like to dedicate it first to the Blessed Mother, of course, and second, to a certain remarkable priest, who was the pastor of Immaculate Conception for the nine years I was blessed to spend at the parish.


               Queen of Peace, pray for us!             

                As mother of the Prince of Peace,                 

Thou watch our world with anxious care.

Pray now that strife and discord cease;

Remind us thou are always there.

Queen of All Saints, pray for us!

Thy only Son has crowned thee queen

Of all the saints in heav’n above;

May we see what no eye has seen,

And join thee in Christ’s perfect love.

Queen of Virgins, pray for us!

Thy purity gives God great praise;

On earth, thou lived for Him alone.

Unblemished for thy length of days,

No trace of sin did thou condone.

Queen of Martyrs, pray for us!

The sword that pierced thy tender heart

Was worse than martyrdom for thee,

And in His death, we played a part.

We shall not forget thy agony.

Queen of Apostles, pray for us!

Thou gave Christ life upon this earth,

Enabling His Apostles’ task

To spread the Gospel of rebirth,

And preach the truth to all who asked.

Queen of Angels, pray for us!

The choirs of angels honor thee,

The pinnacle of God’s design.

In heaven, cloaked in majesty,

Thou reign beside thy Son divine.

Help of Christians, pray for us!

Jesus, by His dying breath,

Made thee our tender Mother, too,

And up until our hour of death,

Thou help us find our life anew.

Refuge of Sinners, pray for us!

We sinners look to thee for aid,

For intercession when we fail.

Thy love for sinners shall not fade,

And nor will sin and death prevail.

Health of the Sick, pray for us!

Unwell in body, mind, or soul,

We turn to thee in our distress.

Thy children’s welfare is thy goal;

Thou prays for our eternal rest.

Morning Star, pray for us!

May we walk within thy sight,

Our feet upon the narrow way.

Thy flawless splendor, shining bright

Shall guide us homeward, there to stay.

Gate of Heaven, pray for us!

The way to Jesus leads through thee.

Through thy consent, He came as Man,

To suffer, rise, and set us free.

Thou helped Him lift up heaven’s ban.

Mystical Rose, pray for us!

Thy love for thy most special Child

Grew and blossomed like a rose

Of beauty keen, yet soft and mild.

In that love, we, too, find repose.

Virgin Most Faithful, pray for us!

Thou lived a life of constancy

As humble handmaid of the Lord;

Pray we increase in sanctity,

Receiving grace thy Son outpoured.

Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us!

Help us never cease to strive

To know and do our Savior’s will.

Remind us often through our lives,

We have a purpose to fulfill

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us!

Protect us from the trap of sin,

And guide us on the road ahead.

Remind us Satan shall not win,

For thou have crushed the serpent’s head.

Seat of Wisdom, pray for us!

The Source of Wisdom dwelled in thee,

And rested in thy sweet embrace.

Pray now that we may someday see

Our God, true Wisdom, face to face.

Mother Most Pure, pray for us!

Our God saved thee from every stain

Of sin throughout thy earthly life.

Please pray for us, that we remain

Forever safe from sin’s cruel knife.

Mother of Christ, pray for us!

God chose thee alone to be

The Mother of His only Son,

And filled thee with His sanctity.

Thy love for Him can’t be undone.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!


Original Poetry