Imagine if a ring of gold
Could spin spells and tricks a hundredfold,
Starting in a forge of fire
Tainted by one’s great desire.
Tumbling paths fraught with greed
Are numerous in the ones to read;
Fallen masters, tales of woe
Follow this ring wherever it goes,
Landing in the hand of one
Who crawls in caves to avoid the sun.
Driven mad by purest power,
Talking with himself at every hour
A two-faced creature now is he,
Never knowing which one to see.
He keeps his precious close at hand
Until a riddler crosses the land.
A change of master for the ring,
Wait to see what he shall bring.
Can power and greed overtake his mind?
Or destruction of gold will we find?
The tale goes on for many years;
Perhaps the answer is one of the fears.
Everything stemmed from this circle of gold;
At least, that’s how the story is told…