A Legendary Queen: Part 3 – Chapter Twenty-Three: The Last Battle, Part 2

Quickening 18, 899; Day 1


When I woke, I felt as if I was being watched. However, when I looked about my tent there was nobody there besides Riker, who was snoring soundly at the foot of my cot. I peered out the slightly open flaps of my tent, and I saw that dawn was just breaking. Knowing that I would not be able to sleep anymore, I threw my covers off and proceeded to get my old body to cooperate with me. Once I was all stretched and “warmed up,” I brushed my hair.

Riker woke to my moving about. “You would never break this habit of waking up early before battle, could you, Queen Swanwhite?” my guard asked me as he stretched.

I turned to smile at him as I weaved my hair into braids in the darkness of my tent. “No, Riker. I never could.”

I heard Riker stand and shake the sleep out of his fur. “I shall go see if there is anything being prepared for you to eat, Majesty.”

“Thank you, Riker.” I took five minutes to finish dressing and to say my prayers before I took leave of my tent.

Upon exiting, I noticed most of the army was like me – up at the crack of dawn. I saw General Kaymen and an Elf Owl at the designated “strategic operations” area, and I decided to ignore my growling stomach. As I got closer I recognized that it was Oolva, our aerial reconnaissance officer, talking to the General.

“Are you sure, Oolva?” Kaymen questioned.

“I am most certain, General.”

“Certain about what?” I inquired. Kaymen and Oolva quickly bowed before filling me in.

“Oolva reports that Jadis and her troops have started moving east, towards the border.”

“How long until they reach us?”

“I estimate two hours, Majesty,” Oolva replied.

“Will we be ready in time, Kaymen?”

“Yes, Swanwhite. With time to spare.”

“Good. Since there seems to be no one asleep, everyone should try to get some breakfast before preparing for battle.”

“”Speaking of which…” said a voice from behind me. It was Riker with a Satyr who had breakfast for me.

“Thank you,” I said as I took the food from him. I turned to Kaymen. “Please issue the order, General.”

“Yes, Swanwhite.”

Kaymen and Oolva left, and I sat on the ground to eat. As I shared my breakfast with Riker, I watched as my people prepared to fight. They ate, donned their armor, and strapped on their weapons. Their confidence and bravery was something to be admired.

After I finished my breakfast, I returned to my tent. I pulled on my armor and strapped on Phraymore. I picked up my shield and headed out to the stable area where Shema was.

And so it began.


Quickening 20, 899; Day 3

The final day dawned darkly for us. We lost more than half of our army; five hundred seventy-three to be exact, including my guard, my son, and his guard. Somehow, we managed to gather and bury all the dead Narnians without having any more killed, for the Foul Creatures camped close to the border and would shoot at any live Narnian. The four hundred and twenty of us that remained were mostly covered in bandages so some of our wounds would get a chance to heal.

The Foul Creatures soon crossed our border, and we attacked in defense. The first creature that met my blade was instantly killed. The next one that attacked, a Cyclops, nearly knocked me off Shema while I beheaded a Goblin.

Suddenly, I was thrown from Shema because the ankle-slicers deeply cut into all of my mount’s legs. I quickly regained my whereabouts just in time to roll out of the way of a Minotaur’s axe that was on an intercept course for my head. I tried to regain my feet, but my body would not cooperate. I heard two swords fall close to me, and then I felt Kaymen’s arms pick me up.

“Thank you!” I quickly shouted before we were both attacked.

While I fought, I took quick glances around me. The Foul Creatures were swamping us, and they were getting closer to the Tree. The ones that got close enough to strike were quickly stopped by the Narnians in and around the Tree.

As the battle continued, my body betrayed me. It grew tired, but I had to push through the consequences of being old. My people needed me!


Our lines regrouped so we could better defend the Tree of Protection. Another half of our army was gone by this time. It was here my fall and the fall of Narnia came.

I was trying to defend myself from a Boggle when a Minotaur hit me from behind. I fell to the ground screaming in pain. I couldn’t feel my legs. Just as the Minotaur and Boggle moved to finish me, two snarls from behind them sounded. The next thing I saw was my two enemies face-down on the ground with Mintier and Mesha on their necks.

The Wolves ran over to me. “My Queen! You must get up!” yelled Mesha.

“I can’t move, good Wolves,” I replied. “Go, save yourselves.”

“No, Majesty. We will stay by your side until we die,” Mintier stated.

“Thank you… my friends,” I said with difficulty. With all the wounds I had, I could feel myself slipping away. The last thing I saw of Mintier and Mesha, they were trying to keep a Werewolf and a Hag from me. From there, everything faded into black.

It would be a long time before I saw them again.

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