Author: Fellowship & Fairydust
Why I Don’t Like Lord of the Rings: A Candid Review
Before I start, I’d like to get one thing very clear: I am not here to trash Lord of the Rings. I am not here to criticize its artistry. I am not here to say…
The Fellowship of the King
By Rebecca Godlove Word Count: 2682 Rated: G Summary: A short screenplay about Trent and a battle for his soul that takes place in a dream. The Fellowship of the King (A short play) THE…
A Meditation on Meeting Souls Gone By
I’m the kind of person who must “meet” people. It is the only way I can know them, living or dead. I must feel their presence on some level, or I cannot hope to truly…
Tolkien’s Heresy: Catholic Theology and the Origin Story of Middle Earth
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Thus the Holy Scripture of the Catholic Church begins and the profession of the Catholic faith takes the idea up when it confesses in the…
Gandalf: A Lord of the Rings Story
They sat in companionable silence. Arwen bent over her embroidery frame, her nimble fingers threading the needle up and down through the black fabric, leaving a trail of silver in their wake. Gandalf stared thoughtfully…
With True Prayers
By Mack Hall Word Count: 89 Rated: G Summary: A poem about simple study as worship. “…but with true prayers That shall be up at heaven and enter there” -Measure for Measure II.ii.151-152 A study…
Easter to Me: A Personal Reflection on the Memories and Meanings of Holy Week
My childhood memories of Holy Week, when Christians the world over commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, are a kaleidoscope of images and impressions, turning from lighter colors to deepening hues. I…
The Riddle of Notre Dame
“Hold high the cross, so I may see it through the flames.” – St. Joan Arc, before being burned at the stake. ~ A holocaust of love Burning boldly through the dusk Cruciform, a candle…