Sun, Sky & Moon Chronicles Chapter 10: Last Rites

Sun, Sky & Moon Chronicles Chapter 10: Last Rites

~ By Adeel Ahmed

Rated PG-13 for violence and language

Author’s Note: These are excerpts from a series of stories by Adeel Ahmed. The world is an alternative history Earth where Mythology and humans with special abilities existed through human history. It combines fantasy, Wuxia and superhero genres into it.

One day passed, and Zenon watched her mother grow far worse

A priest came, sitting down next to her mother’s hospital bed, placing the few items which he held down upon the table beside them. 

He prayed for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and the saints. He began singing a sad beautiful chant, almost musical and rhythmic. Mary. Mariam. Zenon’s mother was named after the holy lady. Zenon couldn’t help but think of her in relation to her mother. How suitable. 

He anointed her in the sign of the cross as she struggled to breathe.

“It is time to hear her last confession. All of you. Please leave now,” said the priest sternly.

Zenon and her friends left the room. Zenon tried not to listen, but she could not control her powers. She heard it. Heard it all. Her mother’s last confession. She didn’t want to. But she couldn’t help but focus on it…she couldn’t help but listen. It was her mother. Perhaps the last thing her mother would say.

“Is there any sin you wish to confess before you pass on?”

“Please. I hope God forgives my sin. I loved a man who blasphemed God. I loved a man who was guilty of Pharaoh’s sin. Who thought himself a god. But I loved him anyway. My sin was my pride. He chose me. This strange creature of God, so beautiful and powerful. He chose me and only me. And I lived in sin with him. I had a false marriage. I was proud. I saw what he would become in later years. The world mourns his passing. But I realized he was still the same old Apollo of old Myth. He just loved me too much to hurt me like he did everyone else. I saw what he caused — the havoc. The world mourns his death. I mourned his death. But now as I lay at death’s door, I see that the insane Shogun did the world a favour. I pray to God Zenon never follows her father’s path. I pray she never lets the power corrupt her. I pray she knows God. I pray with all my heart that she knows someone is up there judging her. She is Human. That’s why she’s so beautiful and kind. I pray she knows your way, Jesus. I pray she is in your embrace, Mother Mary. I hope she is surrounded by love. I hope Zise guides her well, I hope she is a good godmother. I hope my daughter will never be led astray,” whispered Mariam. She coughed, then reached out and took the priests hand. “I’m feeling my life slip away now. May my daughter learn that our God is both ultimately powerful and also all vulnerable. That her vulnerability can be a strength, a power her father never had.”

Zenon felt tears flow down her cheeks, as she closed her eyes. She could not see it, but she knew they were giving her mother the Eucharist. 

“Thank you for hearing my confession. Now I can let it all go.”

Zenon listened to her mother’s breathing, slowing down more and more. Zenon was horrified to realize she could literally hear her mother’s life slowly end. 

An impulse overcame Zenon. She dashed to the door, only to have Winona wrap around her. 

“It’s done. It’s all done,“ Khalid whispered in her ear.

“Please,” whispered Winona, “Let it end peacefully. Don’t make her worry. Don’t let your crying face be the last thing she sees.”

“Be happy she died as she did,” said Khalid, “Please. Listen to me. Listen to us both. We’ve both seen our fair share of death. We grew up in an evil place.  What’s happened to your mother is a thing of beauty. This is a wonderful death. May Allah grant us all such a death in the presence of holy men. Ina lilahi wa inna illayhi rajioon.”

Zenon wept into Winona’s hair. She felt Khalid’s arms wrap around her. She felt his body shake as if he were holding something tight inside him. Crying without tears.

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Image Credit: David Liew

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