Lost Time: Chapter 7
By Jocelyne Ross Word Count: 690 Rating: G Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up. For someone who is waiting for…
By Jocelyne Ross Word Count: 690 Rating: G Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up. For someone who is waiting for…
Every life is an adventure. It is a perilous journey from this life of shadows on earth to the splendorous treasure of Heaven. In order to get to Heaven successfully, Jesus Christ revealed that we…
By Jocelyne Ross Word Count: 575 Rating: G Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up. Weeks later Joyce’s cloud brings her…
By Lawrence “Mack” Hall Word Count: 80 Rating: G Summary: a short poem reflecting on Luke 24:13-35 The road from Emmaus is not in the book Emmaus isn’t even on the map Still, people walk…
In the final, desolate moments of His thirty-three years on earth, Our Lord raised that voice which had once inspired hundreds with the power of divinity in a weak appeal. He pleads: “I thirst!” Throughout…
By Jocelyne Ross Word Count: 566 Rating: G Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up. Many more days passed. Joyce is…
My childhood memories of Holy Week, when Christians the world over commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, are a kaleidoscope of images and impressions, turning from lighter colors to deepening hues. I…
In the Passion Narratives of the Four Gospels, the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate, is not portrayed as a menacing monster or two-dimensional villain, but as the image of fallen mankind, made of flesh…
By Jocelyne Ross Word Count: 218 Rating: G Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up. Resting in that peaceful place, she…
We are often told in pop psychology/spirituality programs that we should learn to “make peace with our dark side” and be content to have both “light” and “dark” elements of ourselves coexisting in harmony. We…
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