As the Holly King gives way to Oak King
As winter gives way to the Hope of Spring
Sister moon gives way to Brother Sun
Inner reflection gives way to outward manifestations
Come welcome the Child of Joy, bask in His Light
When the cauldron of inspiration burns bright with imagination,
It is a light for all those trapped in darkness, a fire to warm one’s soul.
As the world awakens out of the deep slumber of winter’s death to the new birth of spring,
Come welcome the Child of Joy, bask in His Light
As this festive season brings wonder, awe, joy, and amazement
May we remember to see the world through eyes that reflect the qualities of hope and joy
Come welcome the Child of Joy, bask in His Light
Let this be the Advent of our rebirth
The Light is coming and all of creation awaits its rebirth
May each of us turn to, and answer, the promises of the Child of Light
As we light the candle of hospitality in our windows, may we welcome the child of rebirth into our lives
Like the heat of the Yule log, may the love of the Child of joy burn in our hearts.
As the Yule log burns may we remember when the storms of life make us feel that the night is longest
We can have hope that the dawn is coming and all earthly things are temporary
As we welcome the Child of Joy, may we recognize the deep longing within our hearts for the divine presence within our lives