Maiden, Mother, Crone

Maiden, Mother, Crone

I am sustenance, nurturance, and abundance
I am the Mother of all Life
I am the source of all existence,
I am the big bang, I am the ever motion of the Cosmos
I am the ocean, the tides, the river and bubbling spring

I am the ebb and flow of all nature,
I am the lifeblood of all things
I am the first harvest of the land, abundance, the feeder of a nation
I am renewal and regeneration
I am the last of the Firlbog and foster mother of the Light
I am Anu, Danu, and Tailtui

I am fertility, generativity, and wisdom
I am she who has given her name to the Blessed Isle
I am protectress and mother to the Blessed Isle
It was I with my fairy army who was first to set foot on the Blessed Isle
I am Eriu, Folda, and Banba.

I am the deliver to life and the transporter to death
I am the Crow, I Am Fate, I am the Washer at the Ford.
I am victory, success, and protection
I am the mighty one with flaming red hair.
I am the Battle Crow, I move the tide of battle to my beloved
I am the protectress of the Tuatha DeDannan
I am birth, death, and rebirth
I am the Morrigan, Macha, and Badb

I am the All-Mother
I am the mistress of creativity and inspiration
It is I who created the sacred hazelnut and salmon wisdom
I am queen of the hearth and home
I am the fertility and blacksmith of the poetic mind
It is I who creates fire in the head
I am the Cailleach who stirs the Caldron of creativity
It is I who forms and shapes the bard and storyteller
It is I who calls the artist to the great wilds

I am Boann, Brighid, and Ceridwen
I am the keeper of the sacred well and perpetual flame
I am the young woman playing amongst Sacred Stones
I am the gentle force that that holds a family together
I am wisdom for the next generation
I am Maiden, Mother, Crone

Original Poetry