Harry Potter walks between worlds, magical or muggle,
where power is more of a burden than a gift.
Dursleys are narrowminded, conventional, unimaginative,
self-obsessed and uncaring.
He Who Shall Not Be Named, cruel, manipulative,
would control dominion over all.
Both overcome by a wounded boy
trying to balance material and magical through Love.
A boy of hope grown into a man of transformation,
liberation, and sacred Alchemy.
A resurrection stone can ruin a life if wielded by the uninitiated,
or restore through monumental sacrifice.
The Elder Wand may be powerful only to those of faith,
a curse to those seeking oppression.
A veil of invisibility can only hide those willing to seek
and find the end of the pilgrim’s journey.
A patronus is an expression of my character,
a powerful emotion from within.
Otter of sharp mind and wit brings clarity
and devotion to Harry’s quest.
Terrier, dedicated, devoted, flawed,
loyal to the end, a true human spirit.
Phoenix, I am the ancient man of the tower
who shows the path to transfiguration.
I am a child of moonlight, emotion,
intuition, and eternal good.
I am happiness,
Friend of giants, dragons, and spiders.
I am a protector and comrade.
I am Erised, a reflection of desire,
a tool for good or personal gain.
Horcrux, a split in my soul,
shows my weakness in cutting corners to the truth.
Possess my ring, read my diary, drink from my cup,
wear my locket, don a tarnished tiara.
Nagini, companion of the unnamed.
Body annihilated in magical combat.
The soul only survives by integration,
it is destroyed by division.
I battle the darkness within my soul
to reclaim my faithful followers and myself.
I walk the path of Merlin,
I am the wounded king,
I am a reintegration of the Self.
I am sacrificed by Voldemort in order to redeem
those who believe in me.
I always was there and in the end I am redeemed,
once my treachery is understood.
Where the Riddle fails utterly in his efforts
to control and dominate the material world,
the chosen one, a boy, overcomes and succeeds
through love, sacrifice, and selflessness.
Great job with this piece, Tim! You really managed to poetically capture the spiritual elements within Harry Potter in particular and the archetypal fantasy/mythology themes contained within it. The parts that dealt with self-sacrificial love and redemption were always my favorite in the story, and I’ve commonly used them as launching points in my works of fan-fiction.