To Swim Again

To Swim Again

By Joseph R. Ravitts

Word Count: 139

Rating: G (suitable for all audiences)

Summary: A sonnet of encouragement and hope.

To a middle-aged lady still hoping to find true love.


To swim again, where once you nearly drowned,
Requires the will, not only sentiment.
You could stay safe on dry, nay, barren ground,
But length of life does not prove life well spent.

To mount the horse again, and risk the fall;
To build a fire for warmth, and risk the burn,
Brings up the question which confronts us all:
Is minimizing pain our chief concern?

Or shall we joust with life, and make it yield
The opportunity for love and song?
To win, you have to be there on the field;
The fear of loving makes us weak, not strong.

So love, yes, love again; it is allowed!
And you will be applauded by my crowd.

Original Poetry