Tribute to An Irish Gentleman

Tribute to An Irish Gentleman

By Joseph Richard Ravitts

Word Count: 117

Rating: G (suitable for all audiences)

Summary: A poem in honor of Irish politician Charles Parnell.

In the nineteenth century, just before the scope of conflicts grew horrid,

An Irishman who did not want war, chose to be helpful, not morbid.

This Irish gentleman, Charles Parnell, decided the word “politician”

Did not have to mean “a demon from Hell” ⸺ for Mister Parnell was a Christian.

In those days, British authority meant the bayonet and the truncheon;

Parnell, however, worked patiently, for freedom without destruction.

His real-world career, heroic yet sane, was as worthy as mythical swordsmen;

More people should read about his campaign ⸺ for Parnell was one of the Lord’s men.

Original Poetry