Life of Lives

Life of Lives

Hi-ri, Hi-ro, Hi-ri.
Hoireann is O, ha hi, ra ha, ra ho ra.
Hoireann is O, ha hi, ra ha, ra ha ra.
Hi-ri, Hi-ra, Hi-ri.

I am not Irish, not by a long shot; therefore, I’m not a descendant of a Celtic tribe who spoke the melodious Gaelic language. Part of me wishes I was whenever I hear a verse in Gaelic…there’s something about it that mesmerizes and captures your attention. A picture is created in my mind, that of a girl-woman who longs for simplicity yet greatness, not mediocrity but meaning…

Saol na saol,
Tús go deireadh.
Tá muid beo
Go deo.

I imagine myself running through a limitless and lush forest, birdsong following me with every step I take…my feet are bare, no sandals or shoes restricting the feel of the moist earth beneath me. Grass tickles my toes as I run and twirl without a care in the world on my shoulders. My heart pounds as it sends blood coursing through my veins and my breath fuels my muscles to keep pushing farther and farther into the vastness. The skirt of my long dress has a tendency to tangle around my legs, but if I run fast enough it can’t snare them. Instead of hindering me, it flows with me, whispering above the ground and creating a sense of delicacy amidst the wildness of my run.

Saol na saol,
Tús go deireadh.
Tá muid beo
Go deo.

My arms swing, I stretch my fingers to catch the breeze and send energy out the tips. I barely miss tripping over a gnarled root that’s pushed its way above ground, but I’m able to leap over it in the nick of time. My hair sways back and forth, its length reaching the small of my back, unfettered from the confines of the braid I plaited earlier. A smile reaches my lips as pure joy and adrenaline flood me as I partake in the mystery and grandeur of life. My eyes dart side to side, watching the wildlife teeming around me. Squirrels are startled from their scavenging by my presence, bushy tails twitching and little paws lifted. Rabbits scurry into a mixture of shrubs and weeds. A doe and her fawn lift up their heads and their ears flicker as they sense my approach. They soon bound away as well, skittish and fearful I am a hunter on the prowl.

Hi-ri, Hi-ra, Hi-ri,
Hoireann is O, ho hi, ra ha, ra ha ra.

Not quite…I am on the prowl, but for a different reason. I hunt for the thrill of the run, the urge to see how fast I can go, and the dizzying sense of life. I dig deep inside and see how much further I can go, how much more I can appreciate life, and if I can widen my eyes any more to take in the beautiful picture created right in front of us, day by day. As I break from the tree line, I continue up the slight incline and suddenly dig my heels into the ground, my skirt swirling to a stop as I gaze out over the ledge of the cliff, inches away from plummeting into sheer nothingness. This is how to live – exploring, never settling for less, striving for greatness and meaning. We are called to make choices that benefit not only ourselves but others as well, to open our arms and have the courage to step out of ourselves and embrace the joy, pain, sorrow, and love that life offers. As I gaze out onto the horizon, I realize we are meant to be a part of something greater than ourselves. It is the miraculous reality of life – given from the Creator

Original Short Stories