A Dome of Gold Dust: A Catechism Tale
By Dominic de Souza Word Count: 900 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: A couple boast that they are better than Adam and Eve, and are tested. Once upon a time there lived a…
By Dominic de Souza Word Count: 900 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: A couple boast that they are better than Adam and Eve, and are tested. Once upon a time there lived a…
'Neath star-shine and moon-glow's touch, the Ship of Dreams sails on. Its destination, only by believers, is well known. Its port, The Land of Faery, at edge of Evermore. You travel to adventure, when you…
Recent posts about the United States and England, and especially those concerned with the decline, decay and ultimate disintegration of England have prompted my musings on the mutability of nations and cultures. Is everything subject…
~ by Hannah Skipper Peter is the Mouth The Mouth wants to lead his family So he leads with commands But he makes mistakes For his tongue is hard to tame And his family is…
By LastCrazyHorn Word Count: Rating: PG-13 for brief language, violence, and depictions of abuse Summary: A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with…
It was a short, silent ride to the Kester house. Papa parked in the gravel driveway that fronted the boulevard, and then walked Emma to the door. She felt angry and humiliated as he introduced…
By Ian T. Wilson Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Word Count: 339 Summary: A brief biography of Marvel's Wolverine Good afternoon, Fairydusters. This is Ian Wilson, Fellowship & Fairydust’s comic and superhero aficionado,…
~ by Kendra E. Ardnek When Ramandu had first been given the task of guarding the island and the stone knife, he had been very old and desired only solitude. But he was not so…
Jan. 20, 2018 My dear Wormwood, I agree, many things about the current situation have worked tremendously to our benefit, and in some cases have exceeded our expectations. I would urge you, however, to keep…
The night was dark and full of terrors. It had grown darker yet at the Purple Wedding, when Joffrey, the mad boy king, had finally met the end everyone knew he deserved, gulping down…
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