

By Kateri Athanasius

Word Count: 106

Rated: PG

Summary: A poem about the unborn lost to abortion.

Image Credit: Myriams-Fotos (Pixabay)


Voices cry

To never be heard

Little smiles

To never be seen

Tiny hands

To never feel

Beautiful eyes

That will never see

Precious lives

Killed before they had a chance…


A sea of flags

Pink and blue

An eye opening reminder

Of a tragedy so true

Placed into the ground

With careful hands

The flags are dotted

all over the land

Silently there

Their meaning is tearful

Standing for lost lives

It’s almost fearful

People walk around

And some ask why

The meaning is told

And some start to cry

A cemetery of innocents

A symbolic sight

Of the 3700 lives

Taken daily by this plight.

Original Poetry