Lanyon: A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Poem

Lanyon: A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Poem

~ by Linda Fay

‘Have you got a graduated glass?’

three-quarters filled with melting crystals

dissolve like snow.

It shivers between shrunken fingers

clinging like malformed insects

sucking to the light

liquid surface wrinkles, ripples

goes red, extracting color from blankness.

Color changing, cloudy purple

fuming vapors steam like sirens

smoke alarms, and swallow.

“Oh God!”

A scream to shake the doors

of Hell and make the demons laugh

the sudden realization that I wish I hadn’t asked.

Sluggish light of shrinking candle,

splashing shadow on the wall

expose the lethal transformation

image of your soul.

Someone else, still the same –

the doctor that I knew

and the friend beside my table

is the Murderer of Carew.

Later on

written in scratchy ink and twice-sealed papers

it all comes out.

These are ordinary, human words

phraseology I know

but the filament of meaning

threading through the sentences

shocks sleep away forever.

I am too old for this but

I begin to understand

what it is all about.

A way out.

Because this is too much

this brutal carousel of expectation

repetition, clinging imperfection

shrieking fingernails clasping at

the unattainable.

You call it that because you are not

certain, because the lurking sweet

still twists your smile

shadows every thought


This is too much

you can’t let go, say no

can’t – won’t – what is the difference?

Sick cycle looped through infinity.

Doppelgänger. Is this a joke?

Civil war is the worst kind of conflict

it shouldn’t have to be like this

should it?

One hand in each world

while worlds float farther apart

arm muscles bulge and rip

growing red and purple

your soul is tearing itself in two

and you will not choose

this is too much.

Time to make an end

(you cannot see that you’re in reach

of everything you asked for


So you thought you could be cleverer

than men and gods and devils

thought there was another way

no one ever thought of.

Con life, bend the rules

just enough to get through

make off with the impossible

best of both realities,

bordering on lunacy.

Build a wall between the worlds

find a compromise at last,

dichotomy of good and evil

cut your heart in half.

It was clever –

that is all I can say.

It was not clever enough –

is that all I can say?

You should have known.

Is it so hard?

to accept the inevitable

play like the rest of us

run by the rules, stay on the road

the pavement is the only shortcut

don’t you know?

Did you think,

because you invented undivided evil

you could create perfection?

That frantic search deep

in the dimness of your laboratory

that chemical miracle

paid for with sweat-stress and misery –

the war to end all wars

but you should have known.

Maybe you did

that is why I am afraid

maybe, deep within yourself

you did. Recognized the impossible

foresaw the way it would go

down to sweet depravation

and you were alright

with that.

Maybe all this was a masque for that initial capitulation,

the towel you hid from your inmost heart

a colossal deception worthy of the angel of Light.

When the paradox fell through

and you started to pray

when the angel didn’t show

and the demon came to stay

when the wall came tumbling

and the embodiment of unredemption

sucked your will into himself,

even if the sheer horror that

sent your mind into seizures

was real, maybe the purity of shock

was adulterated with that original resignation

maybe you realized this would happen

and you were alright with that.

Mon Dieu! I wish I knew!

Did you know?

Did you guess?

Did you have the dimmest inkling?

Please say no

if you do

I can pick up all the pieces

find a reason to forgive.

But if not, it is over

not because I can’t forgive (though I can’t)

but because there is no conceivable cosmos

where it could be forgiven.

I am sorry and I


this is goodbye.

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Fanfiction Stories & Poetry