A Meeting in the Marketplace

A Meeting in the Marketplace

The heavy spring rains had finally let up and the sun was shining brightly in the eastern sky. Before my dear Jesse left to meet with the other town leaders, he anxiously surveyed the progress of the seed we planted nearly a month ago. It had survived and our new wheat was starting to sprout through the moist soil. His big smile and gentle sigh, told me he was relieved. It was only Tebet and our harvest is not until Iyyar, four months away. Nevertheless, knowing the downpours didn’t wash out our entire crop was truly a blessing from God. 

Little Simon was playing peacefully in his corner of our living area. I was tidying up around the house before taking him on my daily walk to the market. After a simple meal, we made our way into town. It was almost noon, so I didn’t expect to see many people. Most of the women did their shopping during the cooler times – early morning or early evening. 

As we entered the food area of the marketplace, I noticed several Jewish men… shopping. Now, groups of Jews do sometimes pass through town, but these men were buying armloads of bread, cheese, and fruit. This strange sight puzzled me, but the merchants seemed very pleased to sell their goods at a time when the marketplace was usually quiet… even to Jews.

Trying to avoid eye contact with these foreigners, I pulled Simon close to my side while purchasing a few items for our evening meal. Jesse often came home hungry and I would chide him about how he could work up an appetite by merely talking. He simply explained, “We wrestle with some weighty issues and are called upon to make some tough decisions… so I come home hungry.”  

It was obvious Simon’s little legs were tired so we agreed to sit and talk with one of the vendors for a while. We watched as the Jewish men left the market, headed south and left town. The whole area was peaceful for almost an hour until we heard a commotion coming from the same direction the men had taken. As the shouting drew closer, I recognized that voice. It was that woman… the one who all the women avoid and the men –

She cried out, “I met Him… the Christ! He told me everything I’ve ever done – all of it. Come with me, everyone. Come! You must see Him.” Her shrill voice echoed throughout the marketplace and bounced off the walls of nearby shops. 

Shopkeepers quickly secured their businesses and headed south, following the shameful woman. Market vendors, who otherwise would be taking naps, hurriedly packed up their goods and followed too. This was definitely the largest crowd she had ever attracted. Many of the town’s women watched the long procession… and then decided to join in to see what was causing all the excitement. 

Simon and I followed too… but from a distance. Then we saw Him – Jesus, sitting on the edge of Jacob’s well. The Jewish men from the marketplace were standing near Him. It seemed like the entire town was there surrounding them. 

I heard a familiar voice behind us, saying, “This is a day we will never forget.” It was Jesse. I turned and welcomed his embrace while Simon hugged his legs. My father had talked about a ‘special day coming.’ Jesse and I discussed it too. I wondered, Is this that day? What does it all mean, my love?   

When the crowd settled down, everyone’s eyes were upon Jesus. Jesse and I were awe-struck as well. This was no ordinary man. He even had little Simon’s total attention. As He spoke, many were convinced that they wanted to hear more and they pled with Him to stay and teach in our synagogue. My heart warmed, when He agreed to stay a while. Jesse squeezed my hand.

Early the next morning, dozens of townsfolk were waiting on the portico when Jesus and His disciples arrived. Jesse, Simon and I were among the crowd. We heard that some men had camped out overnight. It was too cold for us to do that. However, we did bring enough food to meet our needs throughout the day.

As soon as he saw Jesus approaching, our little Simon slipped between Jesse and me and ran right to Him. Stunned, I called out, “Simon, come back here!” He giggled and threw his little arms out to Jesus – arms that once only reached out to me. Immediately he was safely in the arms of the Lord. Jesus’ tender smile and heartfelt words said it all. “A simple childlike faith is all I ask from each of you…  nothing more. Will you trust Me as this little one does?” 

I couldn’t hold back my tears. ‘A little child shall lead them.’ What a lesson… and He has just arrived  

When Jesus brought Simon back to us, He placed His hand on Jesse’s shoulder and said, “You have a fine young son here, train him well.” 

Jesse beamed and said, “Yes. LORD, I will. We both will.”

My cheeks flushed. I sensed that everyone was staring at us, but it all seemed to be fine with Jesus. Simon probably will not remember this experience when he is older. I can tell him, I thought, and I did...

At about noon, the crowd overflowed the building. People were sitting on the portico and leaning in windows. I decided it was time to take Simon home for a nap. He’d missed the previous day’s nap because of all the excitement. Jesse stayed and listened for both of us. He came home late and hungry, but eagerly shared the amazing lessons Jesus had taught. Then he said, “Tomorrow, we are meeting in the marketplace.  The synagogue can’t hold the huge crowd.”

The second day we were able to leave Simon with my mother. She treasured every opportunity to spend time with him – especially since she was unable to have her own baby boy. Simon loved both of his grandmas and the constant attention they gave him, but sometimes he could be a challenge when he came back home. 

Jesse seemed somewhat distracted in the marketplace that morning. He asked me several times, “Have you seen David here today?” Although I knew it would be a disappointment, I replied, “No, not today or yesterday. I’ve seen the rest of his family… but not him.”

After two days of intensive teaching, Jesus left Sychar and was on His way to Galilee with His disciples. His words made a profound impact on the people of our little town – especially Zadok, our priest. 

Sadly, David never went to any of the meetings and never met Jesus. Of all the people in town, he needed to hear Jesus most. 

Jesse and I had prayed so fervently for him… but nothing. I’m sure Jesse was having the same thoughts I was. He needs you LORD. You know it and we know it. When will he know it? How can we get through to his hard heart?

David was not the only one in Sychar who needed to hear from Jesus. Although many trusted Jesus as their Savior, others did not. They didn’t even go to hear Him. 

The town gossips were spreading some rumors that men who spent time with that adulterous woman were planning to harm her. They were whispering, “These wayward creatures fear she will expose their sins as she confesses her own.” I chose to avoid their malicious talk.

The town council had offered to provide shelter and protection for her since she was the one who told them about Jesus. Jesse was quite confident that none of its members had anything to hide… this time. 

Jesse told many exciting stories about changed lives in Sychar. I’m retelling a few of my favorites, not naming names, so that the people involved can speak out when they feel so led. Some were already sharing their good news.

The Village Thief

One young fellow thought he was getting away with stealing until he came to faith in Christ. When he confessed his misdeeds to his victims, he discovered they were wise to his thievery and were overlooking it because he was trying to provide for his sickly mother. He now has a job cleaning in the marketplace and is able to meet her needs honestly. I can only imagine his surprise when he learned the merchants would have given him anything he needed if he had simply asked.

The Dishonest Merchant

A crafty old shopkeeper thought he needed to sell defective goods and use a dishonest scale to make his desired profits. When he repented of his evil ways, villagers flocked to his store and bought more merchandise than ever before. His profits soared from his increased business so he was able to offer better values to his customers and make amends for past crooked dealings.

The Wayward Husband

One town drunk was a slacker who lingered long in the wrong parts of town pursuing evil pleasures. His escapades were known by many … including his longsuffering wife. He had come home many nights bruised and bloodied from fights at the local inns. Now, thanks to Jesus, he was clean, sober and enjoying the true love of his own precious wife. 

The Wealthy Tyrant

Riches were his only god. His sole security was in his ill-gotten wealth. No one trusted him and he had no friends. He was a miserly wretch who had oppressed the poor and betrayed his last partner. But his stately hillside mansion and worldly treasures had failed to satisfy his hungry soul. When a compassionate person ventured up to invite him to hear Jesus, a half-starved servant greeted him at the door. 

We were all surprised to see him come near the synagogue, clutching his fine robe. As he listened intently, he nodded and seemed to be absorbing every word from the lips of Jesus. Right there he trusted Jesus. He stood and left for home, giving coins to poor beggars along the way. Town folk noticed he even walked with a new bounce. 

Little by little, he opened his heart to others. He also opened his home to the needy, where his now well-fed servants, now enjoy hearty meals and share them with frequent guests. Many folk wonder what happened.   


Our kindly priest changed too. He was neither a thief nor even an evil man … merely a stuffy old man who had become complacent in his religion and judgmental of others. When he met Jesus, everything changed. Now, he radiates a new joy in his ministry.

Jesse and Me

We had thought of ourselves as God’s children much like the other people in Sychar, but learned from Jesus that we were wrong. He repeated what He had told that woman at the well. “You worship what you do not know. Salvation is of the Jews.” Then, He declared Himself to be the Messiah… the ‘I Am’ and salvation came only through faith in Him. Overjoyed, we gladly trusted in Him and found His peace.

Original Short Stories