The Coming of Christmas

The Coming of Christmas

We have candled your coming

O Lord of Love.

As from the deep dark

we have watched and waited

your wombing into world;

lit lamps of longing

in our Advent art

and found freedom in

ancient avenues,

tread tirelessly,

by generation’s genius

of seeing in simple cycles

the birth of new beginnings,

as, through years yearnings

and pasts now present

in eternal echoes.

We have heard our

heart’s hunger

for mystic meaning

and so, as stars stop

and become still,

we feel soul’s sounding

of innocence’s invasion;

the Incarnation.


Heavenly healing of

sin sundered souls

through Mary’s mothering

“Yes” and yielding

to Divine Decisions descent

until the ultimate

transcends time

and we are woken

at midnight’s moment

by babe’s first breath;

inward inspiration of straw

and dung-warmed air,

that fuels the first wail of the Word

whose kingdom comes

in earth’s embrace and

Mother’s mantle

to offer us Love’s light.

Original Poetry