A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Sixteen: Serious Condition

A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Sixteen: Serious Condition

Sunbend 12, 850; Fifthday


I woke up to a queasy sensation for the tenth night in a row. Gracia left a small towel, a pitcher of cold water, and a basin for me to use on my nightstand. I poured some water into the basin, dunked the towel in it, rung the towel out, and wiped my face and neck with it. The coolness felt good against my skin, but it did little to settle the nausea.

“I’m just overheated,” I whispered to myself, though I doubted that was the problem. It had been hot the past couple of months, but it was to be expected for the time of year. Amesh and I even left the doors to our balcony open, but it still didn’t help.

Maybe I’ll feel better outside, I thought.

Rising from our bed, I went out on the balcony. It was a chilly night. The Stars sparkled bright in the black velvet sky, and the Moon was nearing the peak of her trail across the heavens, signaling midnight. I could hear the peepers singing, and I watched the fireflies light up the night. As beautiful as the night looked, I could not enjoy it, for my queasy spell had not ceased. I leaned against the railing while I stared up at the stars. I prayed to Aslan, asking Him what was going on with me, and why I felt so queasy. I prayed to Mary, too, asking her to help me through this trial. I began to shiver due to the cold, but I did not desire to return to bed.

I heard Amesh’s footsteps before he spoke. He was worried about me, as was the rest of Cair. I was starting to lose too much sleep, and exhaustion would soon overtake me if I didn’t figure out what was causing my ailment.

Coming up behind me, my husband put my robe over my shoulders and hugged me from behind. I put my hands on his arms and leaned my head against his shoulder.

“You must sleep,” he said in a gentle tone.

“I know,” I replied, feeling a bit ashamed. “But sometimes I feel too sick to sleep.”

He released his arms from the embrace and began to rub my back soothingly. It felt remarkably relaxing that I nearly forgot about my nausea. Slowly, Amesh guided me back to our bed while rubbing my back, and he continued to do so until I fell into a peaceful sleep.


A heavy heave from my stomach woke me from my restful sleep. I threw the sheet aside and ran for the washroom basin. Vomiting was not a nice feeling. The unpleasantness of getting sick was almost enough to make me do it again. I rinsed my mouth out with water before I went back into the main room, and Amesh cast me a worried glance as I did.

I smiled weakly at my husband. “I’m fine.”

“I doubt that very much. You should skip training and see the healers,” he said in an authoritative tone.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he silenced me before I could. “You’ve been feeling like this for over a week, and you need to find out what is wrong. I’ll make your excuses to Captain Traymer.”

I would’ve attempted to argue, but another wave of nausea hit me so hard that I nearly vomited again. I hunched over, willing the feeling to go away. “You win. I’ll go to the healer’s ward when my stomach settles a bit.”

“Alright. I will escort you there when I finish getting dressed for training.”

I sat down on the edge of the huge bed and flopped over on my side, still half bent. I tried to straighten myself out to no avail. Every time I moved to a more straightened position, my stomach punished me for the attempt.

Amesh did not take long in getting ready, so we promptly headed for the healers ward. To add to my terrible luck, the healer’s ward was in a wing near Cair Paravel’s entrance, and that happened to be a good five minute walk away at normal pace. We walked slowly so I didn’t get sick on the way there. We passed a few guards, and they all wore expressions of concern when they saw me, but they didn’t voice any questions.

Pepkin, a Red Dwarf and head healer in Cair, greeted us when we arrived. The good Dwarf had me sit down in a rocking chair immediately 

“Majesty,” he told Amesh, “you should report to the training grounds before the sword masters begin to wonder where you are. Her Majesty the Queen will be safe here with me.” And with that, Pepkin pushed Amesh out of the ward.


I sat gently rocking in the rocking-chair a couple of Faun guards had graciously moved from the healer’s ward to my room. I was anxious to tell my husband the news that Pepkin had brought me about my condition. It was serious, no joke, and I would have to be extremely careful over the next few months.

The oak door opened to reveal my wearied man with a look of concern about him. He shut the door and strode near me – stopping an arm’s length away. “What did Pepkin say?”

I took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.”

He stared at me in shock before falling backward with a THUD. 

Well, that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. I got down on the floor and began lightly slapping Amesh’s face to wake him up.

“W-what happened?” asked the shaken King when he awoke.

“You passed out from the shock of my telling you that I am with child, dear Husband.” I couldn’t help being a smartie, for I was so happy.

“I can’t believe it.”

“Well, what did you expect, considering the intimate relations we have enjoyed?” I asked half teasing, half serious.

Amesh gave me a halfhearted glare, and then smiled. He pulled me into a hug and said, “We’re going to have a child, Swanwhite.”

“Yes, Amesh. We are.”

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