A Legendary Queen: Part 3 – Interlude: Talk with Aslan

A Legendary Queen: Part 3 – Interlude: Talk with Aslan

Swanwhite lay on the soft, luscious green grass. She was surrounded by pools of water and tall green trees. A mist filled the air, making it warm and moist.

Out of the mist came a Lion of great size, and He brought the scent of summer with Him. The Lion walked over to Swanwhite, His pads making no noise upon the grass. He arrived at the sleeping Queen and nudged her with His muzzle.

“Wake up, my daughter.” His voice felt like thunder to the sleeping Queen.

Slowly, Queen Swanwhite woke from her slumber. Upon opening her eyes, Swan saw Aslan. As quickly as she could, the Queen rose and put her arms around the Lion’s neck.

After a minute, Swan pulled back. “Where are we, Aslan?”

“We are in the Wood between the Worlds, Daughter.”

“Not Your Country? Why, Aslan?”

“It is not your time to go there, Swanwhite. I need you for another mission,” He answered the Queen.

“What is it, Aslan?” Swan asked.

“To help The Four in your world.”

“The next monarchs of Narnia?” she asked, remembering the day she found the Four’s future throne room.

The Great Lion nodded his head. “But how will I know them? How am I supposed to help them?”

“You will know, my daughter. Now, follow me.”

Aslan led Swanwhite past a dozen pools and around about as many trees before stopping at one pool that had a long cut along its bank. To the Queen, it looked like an ordinary puddle, but Aslan assured her otherwise.

“Each of these pools of water will take you to different worlds, but only with my help. This pool will take you back to your world,” He explained.

A feeling of sadness began to grow in Swanwhite’s chest. Her voice was caught in her throat, and the beginning of tears stung the Queen’s nose. Swanwhite was able to regain her voice to ask, “Will I ever return to Narnia?” 

“No, Daughter. But I will send you dreams of Narnia’s progress.”

“What about my memories of Narnia? Will they fade with time?” she asked shakily.

“Did you ever truly forget your family, friends, and experiences in England?” Swanwhite shook her head. “Then neither shall you truly forget your family, friends, and experiences in Narnia.”

The Queen again hugged Aslan, burying her face in His mane. Aslan held her tightly to His side with His head. As she hugged the Lion, Swanwhite could feel her body growing younger and shorter. ‘Tis a strange feeling, she thought to herself. 

“It will take some adjusting to get to know how to behave in England again, but I know you can handle it,” the majestic Lion told Swan. “And you know what to do if you need help, yes?”

The seventy-two year old Queen, who now looked like that twelve-year-old who first entered Narnia, nodded. “Yes, Aslan. Pray.”

“Yes, Daughter. Not wrestling with your friends.”

Swanwhite gave a wet snort to Aslan’s jest and pulled back from the hug. “I shall miss talking to you like this.”

“But you can; it’s just harder to hear my reply.” Aslan leaned over and kissed the now young-looking Queen on the forehead and then blew His breath on her face. “Go in peace, my daughter. Do my work. And remember, I am always with you.”

Swanwhite, now filled with a greater sense of courage, gave Aslan one last glance before stepping into the pool that would take her back to England. As she was consumed by the water, the Queen heard Aslan’s roar.

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