Tomorrow’s Children

Tomorrow’s Children

by Jonathan Francesco

Word Count: 125

Rated: G

Summary: A short poem about the author’s future children.

They run into the misty embrace

Of the Atlantic waters

They hop out of the pool

And run into the house

Dripping a puddle behind them

They hit each other with pillows

During half of the movie

After they finish their popcorn

Until things start exploding

And they can’t turn around

They bow their heads and pray

And try to pronounce some of the big words

And they ask what it means when it’s done

And then proceed to tell me

Truth only a child could know

They shout goodnight

And hug each other tight

Even if they’re too old

They slip under the covers

And enter into their dreams

I see them

From a distance

Maybe one day

I will meet them

My children

Original Poetry