Seasons Change

Seasons Change

I see you in a million places, in a thousand moments
Refracted, caught in the Crystal of my heart.
I name you when I see you –
There, in that cloud, in the Moon’s silvery aura,
In the shiver of a shadow
Passing close by me through the clear air,
Here, in the line on my hand that says “Beloved”,
In the invisible tear that never stops falling, rolling
Down my cheek, to pool softly on the floor
With my memories.
Everywhere, is where you live now.
The leaves show me the seasons are changing again,
The Earth rearranges herself,
A lady changing her clothes, her hair, her jewels.
Soon the trees will wear red and orange and yellow,
Underneath there will be black,
Bare black waiting for Winter,
Black, the colour you wore so well, so often…
And I know you will be there, in my Winter,
In every season of my life,
Reflected, caught in the Crystal of my heart…
Love, I breathe you –
Out, in…until my breath is done.

Original Short Stories