Last Sunday After Pentecost
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 124 Rating: G Summary: A poem of the triumph of the season of Advent over winter. A calling-crow-cold sky ceilings the world Lowering the horizon to itself, All silvery and…
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 124 Rating: G Summary: A poem of the triumph of the season of Advent over winter. A calling-crow-cold sky ceilings the world Lowering the horizon to itself, All silvery and…
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: Rating: G Summary: A poem about the "January thaw." No spring is false when warm, sweet sunlight falls Upon the weathered field and woods and walls And frogs shake off…
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 92 Rating: G Summary: The poet muses on the weather. An errant frog’s the only voice to sing The day to sleep in this warm, blustery dusk. The whippoorwill of…
Oak trees like bombers Soaring toward the sky Laden with burdens To loose upon the unsuspecting below Suddenly, a release! And all the missiles fall. Lighter, now, the bearer kisses the clouds Unconcerned with the…
In China the hills are steep, with plots of fertile land terraced almost to the river’s edge where an old man basks in the sunshine, holding a bamboo pole baited…
The winter solstice is the year withdrawing From all the busy-ness of being-ness, And life in all its transfigurations Seems lost beyond this cold, mist-haunted world Time almost stops. Low-orbiting, the sun Drifts dimly, drably…
The pine trees stand tall and firm on the hillside, silent sentries to the children’s fun. Their needles shake in the wind as the children’s laughter echoes off the hills. The children rush towards…
WINTER MOONLIGHT By Jonathan Francesco, December 5 2016 Word Count: 324 Rating: G Summary: a poem about a boy and the moon in winter The world wears its winter robe outside my window. I tap…
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